Dear Parishioners,
On behalf of our Parish community I would like to thank you for your generous donations to our parish. Your financial support will help the evangelization and charitable needs of our community, to assure that all people find in us the loving and merciful presence of God in our world.
We continue to do maintenance to our beloved church. It is important to remember that our church is a building that houses God on earth, as well as His people as a place of prayer and gathering. This Donation aims to improve our Parish as a house of prayer that reflects the presence of God and the community that it gathers, thus, making it more suitable for the celebration of the sacrifice of Christ at Mass. With confidence in the Lord's promises, I want to assure you that embracing a stewardship way of life will bring many blessings for you and your family.
As the Pastor, it has been encouraging to see the number of people who responded to the needs of our church. While a church is a building made of material stones, in its fullness, it is also a temple of God built of living stones, where the Father is worshiped in spirit and in truth. Through your generous support you have become a living stone of this temple, helping our church to be an excellent place for our families to grow in love, mercy and united in faith.
Please know that we are committed to continuing the good work of our parish and the Church at this time. We want to thank each of you for the many ways you support our mission, and ask that you please continue to support the work of our Church. Our parish is dependent upon your weekly financial gifts to continue its ministries. Please use this time of transition to online giving using the button below, or make your weekly offertory donations to the parish 3475 SW 17 St. Miami, FL 33145. We are grateful for your contributions.
Once again, thank you for your response to our parish. Your generous donation will make it possible to continue the evangelization of the gospel in the future. May our Lord Jesus bless you and your family now and always; and, may Our Blessed Mother keep you under her heavenly protection.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Francisco Hernandez,